He's been becalmed, Sunday night and Monday. Very still.
Said with a chuckle: I wonder if I should begin water rationing. In actuality, he has plenty of water, plus multiple means to collect it and to make fresh water from sea water.
Between the current (now in the preferred direction, towards Hawaii) and Snookum's ability to ghost, he has traveled another 60 miles. He put up the Spinnaker -- seemed to take a long time. (see picture of white sail in recent post)
Some water got into the cupboards and onto the books during the heavy seas. Smelled mildew. He hates mold. Took a lot of the day to take everything out and wipe it with vinegar. Fortunately, likes the smell of vinegar. Very tired after. Made himself good food. Helped. Proud of his dish:
tuna s'ghetti
whole wheat spaghetti, tuna fish, coconut milk, tumeric, black pepper, rooster sauce (Asian hot sauce)
the islands in the lower left are Hawaii.
location at 10 pm:
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