Wednesday, July 15, 2009

From Coby's heart to yours

I have chosen to bring my voyage to a close in Hawaii. It feels complete. The thing that I knew that I would regret on my death bed not having done, feels done. I feel free now to choose what I want to do, rather than the need to do what is necessary for the growth of my soul. I choose to return to my beloved Katja, and to see what life next brings us. Perhaps we will cruise the south seas together someday. Or not. My heart is full. My soul is at peace. 

Still to come: HD videos that Coby took at sea, his film pictures yet to be developed, Coby's musings and personal insights regarding the whole adventure.

For the salts, or the land-lubbers who want to know about Coby's extensive preparation, I am entering  information regarding his safety systems, sails, cooking systems, etc. that I will soon post. To these he will add his evaluations after the fact. 

And for anyone who would like to continue the saga of Snookums, she is for sale/sail.

If you want to talk to Coby for any reason, his number is 971-235-4268.


  1. Good on you old boy!
    We all learned from your voyage.
    Thanks for taking us along.
    Lets us all meet in Astoria
    and have Rusty pour us a couple.
    John and Gus on the slough.

    Always walk to weather.

  2. hope you have a safe trip back to the people that care about you on land ,your a brave sole.Ciaran ps i need my surfing buddy beck.

  3. I am speechless. Your journey is a timeless poem in itself. I am really moved, and strangely, happily surprised somehow -- gotta leave it at that for now -- love to you both -- Barnaby

  4. Congratulations!

    Wishing you the best with your future endeavours, which I'm sure will be equally challenging in different ways.

  5. Brilliant man. The inspiration you've seeded for us is priceless. Honor & love, Lynne

  6. Your voyage was a great inspiration to me. On so many levels: there's going to be a Flicka in my future, and I plan to do some solo voyaging myself. But also your journal inspired me because you set out to do something diferent and mighty, simply because you wanted to, and you did. Whatever happens to you later in life, surely the memory of your voyage will be with you always. Way to go, dude!
